rXg Notification Action Toggle

rXg Notification Action Toggle

От Aidan Lok

  • Категория: Utilities
  • Дата релиза: 2023-06-09
  • Текeofя версия: 0.1.1
  • Взрастной ценз: 4+
  • Размер файла: 41.38 MB
  • Разработчик: Aidan Lok
  • Совместимость: Требования iOS 11.0 или новее.


This is an app that integrates that integrates with the RG Nets revenue eXtraction gateway (rXg) via the rXg API to toggle a manual notification action defined in the rXg administrative user interface. The operator may configure the notification action to perform any action including, but not limited to, a change in account, or a change in WLAN SSID. The RG Nets rXg "every talks to every thing else" policy engine enables nearly unlimited network control, communication, and cognizance changes through this app. To see this app in action, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/doIKG06QvVQ

